Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Travel Day #1

I can't believe it's here!!!! Our travel day!!!

In in about 3 hours we will be headed to catch our first flight!! It is our first international flight and we are nervous; but the excitement is overwhelming!

We are so happy and thrilled to be bringing our little man home. We will be meeting him in one week and the emotions that come with that are beyond words.
Thank you to those of you who helped us get here. Whether you donated money, offered up prayers or just helped lift our spirits and keep us on track we really appreciate it. Sincerely. We cannot wait to start the next chapter of our lives - being parents!
First up is London. We are staying for two nights and will do as much as jet lag allows. So stay tuned for pictures of that! On Saturday we will leave London and head to Sterling!

Please continue to PRAY! Not sure what to pray for? Here are some ideas:
a) For safe travels
b) For God's hand through the adoption process - that it all goes well and smoothly
c) For Sterling - his health, his happiness, and that he is prepared to become part of a loving family
d) For all the other orphans that we can't bring home with us
e) For all other RR families going through this process or just really is quite an experience!


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